
Repentance and forgiveness

Greetings to my Anabaptist brothers and sisters. Thank you for having me and thank you for coming. It is a righteous joy to be together. I live only 45 minutes from here in a city called Lancaster, which some of you may have heard of and many of you... आगे पढ़ें

In Christ, free to love

Dear friends, brothers and sisters, good morning and Namaste. In this Assembly 16 of Mennonite World Conference Pennsylvania 2015, we are again celebrating our common Anabaptist/Mennonite faith and life in the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. So on... आगे पढ़ें

Giving and receiving in the mission of the global church: A concrete action

Our brother Hippolyto has reminded us of something we must never forget: mission is holistic, and thus, evangelism is comprehensive. In specific terms, we understand that this means that the good news must be proclaimed regarding all areas of human... आगे पढ़ें

Morning sermons - PA 2015

Read the full text of the morning sermons from PA 2015, by Rebecca Osiro, Tigist Tesfaye Gelagle, Nancy Heisey, Remilyn Mondez, Shant Kumar S Kunjam, Kevin Ressler, Hippolyto Tshimanga, Marc Pasqués and Rodrigo Pedroza. These can also be a helpful... आगे पढ़ें

The church must be about holistic mission

Since the Bangkok World Missionary Conference which took place at the turn of the years 1972/1973, in Thailand, there has been a feeling of uneasiness regarding “mission” within the churches in the Western World. At Bangkok, representatives of the... आगे पढ़ें

GYS sends a strong call to impact the world by sharing gifts

Anabaptist youth from around the world learn and fellowship together at summit The three-day Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Global Youth Summit (GYS) at Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA, concluded Sunday, 19 July 2015, with a... आगे पढ़ें

What I found at PA 2015 and will take home with me:

Paulus Hartono, Indonesia Being a part of the throngs at PA 2015 made Paulus Hartono of Indonesia reflect on his early life and how unlikely it is that he found his way to this place. Now a Mennonite pastor and highly active in peace work in Solo (... आगे पढ़ें

Young Anabaptists: the present church

YABs take the stage at PA 2015 and set plans for their future They have a relatively short history, but their voices at PA 2015 were arresting and incisive. In fact, the Young Anabaptists’ presentations throughout the morning worship at the Assembly... आगे पढ़ें

Inspiration and reflection: Hospitality

Piring bukan beling: Hospitality not hostility Indonesians are famous for their hospitality. If you visit their home, they will serve you food and drink. In the villages, the housewife will cook the family’s only chicken to serve a guest. I learned... आगे पढ़ें

Global young adult advocates at UN with MCC

New York, USA – Juan Sebastián Pacheco Lozano is uniquely qualified for his position as the International Volunteer Exchange Program (IVEP) participant serving as the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) intern at Mennonite Central Committee’s (MCC)... आगे पढ़ें

More united than ever before

Alfred Neufeld, chair of MWC’s Faith and Life Commission, reflects on the state of the global Mennonite faith community Alfred Neufeld, theologian, historian and generally insightful philosopher, reads on two tracks these days: “Proceedings” from... आगे पढ़ें

“Nothing that I am doing am I doing by myself”

Rebecca Osiro of Nairobi, Kenya, steps into her new role as vice president of Mennonite World Conference (MWC), with a life of experiences that has tested her faith and taught her wisdom. Rebecca was the first woman to be ordained in the Kenya... आगे पढ़ें

Recognizing our interconnectedness

Like the chambers of a heart, the four MWC commissions serve the global community of Anabaptist-related churches, in the areas of deacons, faith and life, peace, mission. Commissions prepare materials for consideration by the General Council, give... आगे पढ़ें

Incorporation into the body of Christ

The Commission developed the general topic of the dialogue “Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church” through papers on “Living out our Baptism,” the theme of the fourth meeting.आगे पढ़ें

New MWC leaders foster relationships

Regional representatives and treasurer introduced at Indonesia meetings Bogotá, Colombia – When the church is suffering in a remote or politically sensitive part of the world, it is the regional representatives who convey the news to the global... आगे पढ़ें

Mennonites respond to Ecuador earthquake

Bogotá, Colombia – Members of the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) body are responding to the April earthquakes in Ecuador. A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck the Pacific coast of northern Ecuador 16 April 2016, followed by a second earthquake 20... आगे पढ़ें

Renewal decade commemorates 500th anniversary

Bogotá, Colombia – On 12–19 February 2017, Anabaptist-Mennonites from around the world will gather in Augsburg, Germany, to celebrate the opening event of Renewal 2027 in conjunction with meetings of the Mennonite World Conference Executive... आगे पढ़ें

“Not in my name” – European Mennonites reject violence

Bogotá, Colombia – Mennonite churches in Europe are responding the violence and displacement in the Middle East that is affecting their society. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Gemeiden (AMG – Mennonite church in Germany) and Algemene Doopsgezind... आगे पढ़ें

Fellowship and Renewal

New Executive Committee meets in Indonesia Bogotá, Colombia – Excitement for Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Assembly 2021 was in the air at the MWC Executive Committee annual meeting 12–19 February 2016 in Semarang, Indonesia. Gereja Kristen Muria... आगे पढ़ें

Project: A-Mar, or Oceans of Love

South American Mennonite youth build friendships across borders Cartagena, Chile – When talking about the sea and border problems between Chile and Bolivia, it is common to hear derogatory and xenophobic comments that mirror patriotic ideas, and... आगे पढ़ें