We pray for a just peace in Ukraine. Pray for courage and perseverance for people in Russia who work for peace. Pray that refugees may find safety and welcome.
Prayers of Gratitude and Intercession
Associacão dos Irmãos Menonitas de Portugal (the MB church in Portugal) has been looking for a new place. Pray that God will guide them, and help them with the knowledge to deal with all this process and the funds to purchase another building.
Two of their churches used to function in different buildings: one used to be an African-based church, and the other Portuguese. Both are now uniting to become one. Pray that this process will be smooth and healthy and that will see spiritual fruits from it, especially unity and love. During the month of August, they will have outreach activities every Saturday in the new location of Massamá.
Pray that God will start meaningful relationships between the church and the neighborhood and that Christ will be known and accepted by many during the time. On 11 September 2022, they will have a big celebration to start the church year (which follows the school year): two teenagers will be baptized and there are more people interested. Pray for spiritual protection and that this day will be a day to witness Jesus to many of the non-believers that we intend to invite. May God bring some of them and impact their lives.
There are new and young leaders in our team of church leaders, pray that God will bring maturity, faith, encouragement, wisdom, and especially team spirit and unity, as well as training opportunities.
—ICOMB August Update
We pray that the churches may be instruments of peace, justice, and reconciliation for the people of Colombia.
Photo: José Antonio Vaca Bello, Ibagué Mennonite Church, Colombia.
We pray that Christians would seek the unity of the Spirit, showing grace and forbearance in a politically divided culture.
Photo: Tiz Brotosudarmo
Please pray for willing workers to serve the Lord, and for wisdom to take on the challenges of 2022.
—submitted by Susana Garrido, Uruguay
Photo:Karla Braun
Renewing Spirit,
Help your church to be open, in fidelity to the gospel of Jesus,
to all possibilities in the coming of the new kinship – the kin-dom of God – on earth.
Help us to align our ways to sharing, social cohesion,
and symbiotic co-living between humans and the rest of creation;
to see creation as a cosmic web of living beings,
in which all creatures live in mutual interdependence.
Help your church to abide in a harmonious bond between the Source of being and all things.
—Nindyo Sasongko, Creation Care Task Force
Conflicts in some of our member churches continue to divide and discourage brothers and sisters in Christ. Please pray that the armour of God as in Ephesians 6:14 will be put on and the armour of actions given in Galatians 5:20-21 will be laid down for the church to be an effective witness to Christ in India.
—submitted by Cynthia Peacock, MWC regional representative, South Asia
Photo: Tiz Brotosudarmo
May we help each other in our task of witnessing to God’s grace by serving others, caring for creation, resisting conformation to the powers of evil, and inviting all people to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
Photo: Teo Kresna
As we gather in fellowship and hope, we remember our family who live in conflict and crisis: the Kasai and East regions of DR Congo, Myanmar, the Tigray region of Ethiopia, Ukraine, Colombia. Lord, have mercy.
Photo: Ebenezer Mondez
We pray for God’s help to continue as a koinonia that transcends barriers of nationality, race, class, gender, language – and time and space. We pray for connection: that online participants in Assembly would not experience technical problems and that they would encounter the Anabaptist-Mennonite family at the event. We pray for the planting and cultivating of friendships that make space to learn, encourage each other and be mutually transformed. May we help each other in our task of witnessing to God’s grace by serving others, caring for creation, resisting conformation to the powers of evil, and inviting all people to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
Photo: Harry Unger
Pesan dari salah satu pemimpin gereja anggota MWC di Myanmar:
Negara kami terkena dampak bencana global: kami menderita kemiskinan dan kelaparan yang ekstrim karena sanksi ekonomi internasional dan kekacauan internal akibat perang.
Kami memohon dukungan doa khususnya untuk 51 keluarga misionaris dan pendiri gereja kami dan 415 keluarga anggota jemaat kami lainnya. Mereka telah pergi mengungsi dan meninggalkan rumah mereka dan saat ini mereka tinggal di dalam hutan. Mereka sudah lama tidak bisa bekerja dan kehilangan mata pencaharian mereka. Kekurangan bahan pangan adalah tantangan besar yang kami hadapi.
Mohon doakan kami. Kami percaya bahwa doa dapat membuat perubahan.
Di masa pergolakan yang paling sulit yang kami hadapi di Myanmar saat ini, Tuhan telah membuka pintu yang lebar untuk penginjilan. Ini adalah waktu yang paling berharga di ladang misi kami. Tuhan masih di bertahta.
Foto disediakan
Pray for those from three Mennonite synods and the local Committee who are preparing for the upcoming 17 GYS and MWC General Assembly events.
Pray for the presidential elections in the Republic of Angola, knowing that our countries need peace and security for the well-being of the population before, during and after elections. Pray for peace and reconciliation among brothers [and sisters] in our church and for the development of our local congregations. Pray for our missionary trips and our households who will remain at home while we go on our mission.
—submitted by Daniel Canganguela, Angola
Photo: Gomes Miranda/Conferência Intermenonita em Angola
Berdoalah untuk konflik yang terjadi di Ukraina dan dampaknya bagi seluruh wilayah Eropa terkait pengungsi dan dampak ekonomi. Berdoalah untuk perdamaian yang adil di Ukraina. Berdoalah untuk keberanian dan ketekunan bagi orang-orang di Rusia yang mengusahakan perdamaian. Berdoalah agar para pengungsi dapat menemukan keselamatan dan dapat diterima dimanapun mereka berada. Dan berdoalah juga untuk negara-negara yang secara ekonomi terkena dampak perang ini.
Foto: Liesa Unger
Sebuah pokok doa untuk Mennonite Christian Service Fellowship of India. Mohon doakan agar kami menerima sertifikat pendaftaran pembaruan FCRA dan sehingga kami dapat mulai bekerja sama di antara ketujuh anggota MCSFI India, tiga organisai sayapnya (All India Mennonite Women Conference, All India Mennonite Youth conference and Theologically Trained Anabaptist Women of India) dan 4 proyek yang ditambahkan.
—dikirim oleh Benjamin Nand, India
Foto: MCI Singpur, India
Puji Tuhan untuk pertemuan secara tatap muka untuk gereja-gereja lokal yang telah diijinkan dan juga pertemuan dalam tingkat nasional baik di AS maupun Kanada. Berdoalah agar orang Kristen terus mencari kesatuan Roh, menunjukkan kasih karunia dan kesabaran dalam kehidupan yang terpecah secara politik.
Foto: Perdian Tumanan
Berdoalah untuk perdamaian dan stabilitas Etiopia dan Tanduk Afrika. Berdoalah untuk kesembuhan bagi orang-orang yang terkena dampak konflik yang baru-baru ini terjadi di negara ini dan juga pemulihan seluruh komunitas.
Berdoalah untuk saudara-saudari kami yang dianiaya karena iman mereka di beberapa wilayah negara kami,
Doakan agar MKC berkontribusi pada transformasi holistik masyarakat yang terkena dampak konflik karena faktor etnis.
Berdoalah untuk orang-orang yang terkena dampak kekeringan di bagian selatan, tenggara, dan timur Etiopia.
—dari Meserete Kristos Church, Etiopia
Foto: A worship service at Central Legetaffo Meserete Kristos Church, Ethiopia. Photo: Tesfatsion Dalellew.
Pray for the churches and servants of God to be protected from persecution in India.
—Submitted by Vipin Chandra Bansiar
Photo: Vikal Rao
We pray for the violence, inequality, and corruption in Colombia, that the churches may be instruments of peace, justice, and reconciliation for the people of Colombia.
—Submitted by Adaia Bernal
Photo: Iglesia Pan de Vida Comunidad Menonita Soledad Atlantico
It has been more than a decade since the war in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo was to end. Each day there are more victims of kidnapping and the rape of women by foreign armed groups. A number of churches live in complete insecurity.
In addition, there is the trauma experienced by several local churches of the Mennonite Church in Congo (CMCo) in the Kasai region where a number of young Mennonites died as a result of the sad Kamuena Nsapu war. Let us pray for stability and evangelization efforts among young Mennonites in the Kasai region. A number of young people gave their lives to Jesus Christ during Bible camps for young Mennonites in the Ilebo zone (district), abandoning fetishes they had used as protection against Kamuena Nsapu.
—Submitted by Robert Irundu
Photo: Shalom Bukavu DRC
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