
Creation care and baptism report approved at Executive Committee meetings

Mennonite World Conference will appoint a creation care task force to raise awareness and propose actions for our global church family. The task force will work in closely with the four MWC commissions. “This [discussion] comes at the right time,”... 続きを読む

Spaghetti and chopsticks: Mutual transformation in YAMEN

This story was written in February 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic became a worldwide threat. As of April 2020, Minear Mak is still serving in her YAMEN assignment, remaining in close contact with MCC and MWC administrators as health and... 続きを読む

Check your inbox: MWC publishes Courier by email only

“These is an extraordinary time we are living in, but we remain confident that Jesus Christ is our hope, no matter what life brings,” says MWC general secretary César García. Due to the global economic slowdown and the challenges of moving mail... 続きを読む

Church in times of Coronavirus

An Easter Letter Dear sisters and brothers in the Global Anabaptist family of the MWC, We greet you in the name of our Risen Lord! Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! We are an Easter people Easter has come, but not gone! Our celebrations may have... 続きを読む

Passion for service: meet Shirley Redekop

“Even with all our diversity of culture, language and practice, our Anabaptist theology draws us together as a family of faith through Christ’s love and sacrifice for us,” says Shirley Redekop. She begins a half-time role as MWC chief development... 続きを読む

Do not fear: prayers for COVID-19

With Coronavirus (COVID-19) unsettling the global human family, Mennonite World Conference leaders put confidence in the living God who says, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you... 続きを読む

Call to prayer for the human family

During the plague that ravaged third-century Alexandria, Bishop Cyprian tirelessly served the suffering with calm assurance that Christians find hope in Jesus Christ whether they live or die. Today, in a time of pandemic, Christian communions around... 続きを読む

God’s call for our church and mission

“The church will slow down the work of Mennonite Central Committee,” someone told me at the 2008 MCC New Wine, New Wineskins consultative meeting in Winnipeg. “If we want to be a more effective NGO, we need to act independently from the church,” he... 続きを読む

Renewal 2027 and Executive Committee meetings in B.C. cancelled

With the World Health Organization using the word “pandemic” to describe global infection from the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Mennonite World Conference leadership decided to cancel the March Renewal 2027 public event and April Executive... 続きを読む

Amnesty for Sangmin Lee

It was Tuesday, 31 December, the last day of the year 2019, when Sangmin Lee called me with excitement to report news of his amnesty. Early in 2014, Lee was sentenced to 18 months in prison for refusing, on the basis of his faith, to complete his... 続きを読む

So reciprocal understanding could grow

The 2019 meeting of European Mennonite leaders took place on a historical date for Germany: the anti-Semitic pogroms of the Reichskristallnacht (“night of broken glass”) 9–10 November 1938 when Nazi paramilitary forces and civilians throughout... 続きを読む

Mennonite World Conference calls for prayer and precautionary measures

Following the World Health Organization’s declaration of the novel coronavirus (nCoV) outbreak as a global health emergency 30 January 2020, Mennonite World Conference calls for Anabaptist and Mennonite congregations around the world to unite in... 続きを読む

Following Jesus into Assembly

Crossing barriers at Assembly 2021 in Indonesia begins with the Assembly program committee. These volunteers appointed to develop the activities and schedule of Mennonite World Conference’s flagship event, the global Assembly, come from 5 different... 続きを読む

Growing team serves church

A composer, health manager and auto mechanic – all church leaders – joined the Mennonite World Conference team. These newly appointed regional representatives complete the team that helps Mennonite World Conference and its member churches maintain a... 続きを読む

Solidarity with a Mennonite church at a crossroad

From 1–8 December 2019, a joint delegation from Mennonite World Conference’s Peace Commission and Deacons Commission visited three Mennonite churches in Hong Kong, other denominations and also some educational institutions to offer solidarity and to... 続きを読む

Top stories in 2019

English readers were interested in the news that general secretary César García and executive assistant Sandra Báez Rojas of Mennonite World Conference (MWC) have relocated to Canada in February 2019. They also enjoyed the testimony of YAMENers . “... 続きを読む

Two letters renounce violence

“Renounce violence and love our enemies.” This is part of being a peacemaker in Mennonite World Conference’s Shared Convictions. Living out that conviction, 13 September 2019, 13 Anabaptist churches in the USA signed a letter to the National... 続きを読む

Development Officer steps down

Chief Development Officer Arli Klassen will step down from her position at the end of January 2020. She came to this role in December 2012 after serving as binational Executive Director of Mennonite Central Committee. She supported MWC through... 続きを読む

Meserete Kristos Church inspires LMC

Standing in one of the regional offices of MWC member church Meserete Kristos Church (MKC), the church’s former president, Tewodros Beyene introduced several LMC leaders to the church’s administrative staff. He explained that the LMC delegation had... 続きを読む

MWC walks with family through hard times

Earthquake. Famine. Flooding. The headlines catch attention, and people respond with prayers and donations to emergency appeals. A few days later, the reporting stops and the event fades from memory. But for those directly affected, it is only the... 続きを読む