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COVID-19 global response fund helps churches
Posted: 七月 16, 2020 | 分類: News
“It will reflect our love of Christ to them; [that] we care and are concerned for them and it will also bring smile in their faces,” says Bishop Dr. Bijoy Kumar Roul, Chairman, Brethren In Christ Church, Cuttack, Odisha, India. Mennonite World... 閱讀全文
Physically distanced but in prayer together
Posted: 六月 2, 2020 | 分類: News
“There is lockdown and physical distancing, but even so, we can meet in prayer. From different countries, we can come together and pray together in this way. As we are united in prayer, we trust God will hear our prayers and intervene.” Hanna Soren... 閱讀全文
MWC Global Church Sharing Fund responds to pandemic needs
Posted: 五月 14, 2020 | 分類: News
Instead of being a great leveler, the COVID-19 pandemic is exposing pre-existing systemic inequalities that benefit some and disadvantage others. How can the Anabaptist family respond? Mennonite World Conference has invited Anabaptist mission and... 閱讀全文
Jesus Christ: our hope
Posted: 二月 21, 2020 | 分類: From Our Leaders
Like the chambers of a heart, the four MWC commissions serve the global community of Anabaptist-related churches, in the areas of deacons, faith and life, peace, mission. Commissions prepare materials for consideration by the General Council, give... 閱讀全文
Solidarity with a Mennonite church at a crossroad
Posted: 一月 13, 2020 | 分類: News
From 1–8 December 2019, a joint delegation from Mennonite World Conference’s Peace Commission and Deacons Commission visited three Mennonite churches in Hong Kong, other denominations and also some educational institutions to offer solidarity and to... 閱讀全文
MWC walks with family through hard times
Posted: 十月 28, 2019 | 分類: News
Earthquake. Famine. Flooding. The headlines catch attention, and people respond with prayers and donations to emergency appeals. A few days later, the reporting stops and the event fades from memory. But for those directly affected, it is only the... 閱讀全文
Posted: 四月 27, 2018 | 分類: From Our Leaders
要去愛慷慨的剛果民主共和國(簡稱民主剛果)人民並不困難,但在Kasai鄉村區所發生的邪惡難以理解。 2017年12月,內戰生還的人民告訴門諾會世界大會執事委員會的代表他們所經歷的一場村莊突襲,這悲劇是民兵發起,村莊與政府有任何關連的男丁皆遭遇屠殺。 受害者在身陷危險的家人、婦女、幼童面前遭殺害。斷壁殘垣的村莊、數以千計村民受創流離失所,財產、家人、社區都已不復存在。揹著折磨的傷疤,大部分的村民都不願再回去。 我是探訪代表團的一員,離開時卻對剛果門諾會滿懷感激,因他們即使在受苦中,... 閱讀全文
Posted: 一月 9, 2018 | 分類: From Our Leaders
如同一顆心臟有四個心房,世界大會的四個委員會在執事、信仰與生活、和平、與宣教四個領域,服事全球重洗派相關的眾教會。四個委員會為總議會提供諮詢、預備材料來協助會員教會、並裝備世界大會所屬各網絡或團契,為了共同的利益而一同事奉。以下是委員會從他們所著重的領域分享的信息。 當你問自己,身為執事的任務是什麼時,你的目光會聚焦何處?縱使經文內並無提到”執事”與”僕人”一詞,但此時大部分的人心中依舊浮現使徒行傳六章1-6節的經文。在這當中那些有需要的人得到餵養,教會成長的同時,需求也同時加增。... 閱讀全文
Your light is needed
Posted: 十二月 19, 2016 | 分類: From Our Leaders
Like the chambers of a heart, the four MWC commissions serve the global community of Anabaptist-related churches, in the areas of deacons, faith and life, peace, mission. Commissions prepare materials for consideration by the General Council, give... 閱讀全文
Panama Mennonites request prayer for land struggle
Posted: 五月 4, 2015 | 分類: News
Panama – A request for prayer for land struggle was the main request that a Mennonite World Conference delegation heard in a February 2015 visit with church and indigenous community leaders in Panama. Leaders of the MWC member church, Iglesia... 閱讀全文
Commissions advance MWC mission in rare face-to-face meetings
Posted: 十一月 7, 2014 | 分類: News
Schoorl, Netherlands – From 19-24 March, leaders and members of the four Mennonite World Conference Commissions met together for a time of face-to-face discussion, reflection, worship and strategic planning to advance the mission of MWC. It was only... 閱讀全文
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