
A transformed spirit of answered prayer

At Renewal 2027 – The Holy Spirit Transforming Us in Kisumu, Kenya, 21 April 2018,several people shared a testimony of experiencing the Spirit’s work changing people in the church. The columns in this section have been adapted from their... 閱讀全文

A rush of violent wind

Three reasons the Holy Spirit is relevant to the church today Fifty days after Passover, the Jewish community gathered in Jerusalem for the Festival of Weeks. At the same time, the followers of Jesus gathered in a room awaiting the promise of the... 閱讀全文

The gift of the Holy Spirit in the 16th century and today

Many written testimonies of the early Anabaptist movement point toward the work of the Holy Spirit as the central driving force. The Holy Spirit goes to people who are awaiting. It was the case in Pentecost (Acts 2) while the disciples were praying... 閱讀全文

At peace with the land

Is there a way to make a living without killing the environment? For a country that sees thousands of deaths every year due to exacerbated effects of super-typhoons, this is a major question. Lives have been claimed and billions worth of... 閱讀全文

A Countercultural Lifestyle

“The plane! The plane!” This was how a TV program began that I used to watch as a child in Bogotá. It was about an island where all the desires of those that arrived there would be fulfilled. In English it was called Fantasy Island. It is possible... 閱讀全文

逼迫 -- 過去與現在

早期德國奧斯堡的重洗派信徒,因在此相片中左邊白色大房子裡聚會付上極重代價。德國門諾會歷史學家、神學家與和平倡議人士Wolfgang Krauss,向來此參觀的當代重洗派重述這個故事。這群體是2017年二月出席門諾會世界大會執委會議,抽空進行了一趟奧斯堡歷史之旅。 1528年復活節主日,100名重洗派秘密在這房裡聚會,慶祝耶穌的復活。當他們知道當局在監視時,部分人逃脫,但有88人繼續聚會。警察包圍該房屋,將所有敬拜者銬上鎖鏈,之後將外地人驅逐,鞭打當地市民,以酷刑折磨一些人,... 閱讀全文

You will be my witnesses?

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the... 閱讀全文

Evangelism in action

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the... 閱讀全文

Systematic disciple making

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the... 閱讀全文

Everyone is called

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the... 閱讀全文

MWC financial update

Bogotá, Colombia – We are grateful for the steady flow of contributions in support of Mennonite World Conference, whether from our national member churches, local congregations, or individuals. We are somewhat surprised that giving is slower this... 閱讀全文

Taking action for your neighbourhood

There is a saying that you don’t know what you have until you lose it. I would add “or until you see the real and present danger that you could lose it.” Something similar happened to our natural resources. For a long time, we had accessible clean... 閱讀全文

Churches together for climate justice

“Climate Justice Now!” “People Power!” “Keep it in the ground!” echoed through the corridors as I walked through the Blue Zone – the place where 197 member-states of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gathered in... 閱讀全文

Creation care: a biblical mandate

At the beginning of this third millennium, humanity confronts serious ecological problems that threaten human life and all of creation. The consequences of global warming are perceptible in every country of the world: polluted air and water, serious... 閱讀全文

Transformed by the Word

“Renewal 2027” is the name that Mennonite World Conference has chosen to mark the decade of regional events that will be held to commemorate the five centuries our faith community has existed. We would like to approach these 10 years of... 閱讀全文


我們的心理狀態與身體、心靈相連,因此,也如同身體與心靈,心理也可能處於不健康狀態。這期的「觀點」邀請普世重洗派健康照顧的執業人士與領袖們,談談他們的教會在會友的心理照護方面扮演扮演了什麼角色。 教會當如何看待心理健康? 從1960年代中期起,哥倫比亞一直處於武裝衝突之中,約七百萬人因此流離失所,超過六萬人失蹤,將近六十萬人遇害。當人們逃到更大都市避難時,有一些到了我們教會。他們帶著所有的強處與人生經驗所賦予的能力而來,同時也帶著悲傷、孤寂、疑問—何以慈愛的上帝竟讓他們遭遇此境,他們期望正義,... 閱讀全文


在泰國硬土中夾雜綻放的重洗派 「泰國,宣教的墓園」,這說法已在泰國宣教師耳中迴響了數十年,感謝上帝,祂有不一樣的故事。不同的故事終於浮現了,而重洗派在當中有一席之地。 教會的種子 201年前美國宣教士Adoniram Judson的妻子Anne Judson語言學的夠好,能夠向被擄於緬甸的暹族人傳福音。12年後,1828年,第一位基督教宣教士才抵泰國,比第一位天主教司鐸晚了260年。 整個十九世紀,天主教與基督教很相似,都在訴說一個難以置信的奉獻與毅力的故事,宣教士們努力對抗的因素至今仍然鮮明... 閱讀全文


「不要哭。」當我因一場悲劇而失去親戚時,教會的會友對我如此說。「讀這節經文。」她繼續說。然而,我聽不下去,我需要有人能夠傾聽我的心聲,有人能與我同哭泣,在我深沈悲痛時,與我同行。此時我不需要查經,我需要的是朋友。 許多年前有位教會的牧師跟我說:「我不相信心理諮商,人們需要知道的,是順從上帝的道,而不是其他人說了什麼。提供建議會導致依賴。」多年後我聽到他教會的會友提起,當親戚病終階段,他感受到教會的疏離與冷漠。當他遭遇苦難、懷疑而失了盼望時,他的牧師在哪裡呢? 陷入艱困當中時,我們需要有人陪伴,... 閱讀全文


我們如何從聖經回答21世紀的問題? 那真的是個挑戰! 聖經的某些部分的信息非常的明確也永遠有效。但是,因為我們的世界已經大幅地改變,有些二十一世紀的問題迫使我們重新評估聖經的其他部分。然而,我們如何知道何時要堅守先前的信念,何時應該開創新見解與方法? 於2010至2012年間,我們的地方教會想要找到這個問題答案,尤其觀於性與婚姻的議題,焦點是婚前性行為。它並非唯一的倫理問題,也當然不是最重要的倫理問題!但是它是個觀乎每個世代的問題,且可能間接影響更廣泛定義之教會家庭。 一起研讀聖經... 閱讀全文


東非的門諾教會 「在非洲傳統宗教經驗裡,信仰從未以普世性的詞彙來理解。」全球門諾會歷史系列非洲部分「非洲心靈唱重洗派之歌」的作者之一Alemu Checole ( 助手Samuel Asefa)如此說。「信仰與實踐因地點與部族而異,宗教表達都是單一部落的,諸如羅族的(Luo),馬賽族的(Maasai),圖卡納族的, (Turkana) 或查納奇族的 (Zanaki)。 「然而,非洲基督徒接受了基督教,因為他們在基督教中看見一種全新的生活方式,比起傳統方式更豐盛的多,比方說:永生的盼望、... 閱讀全文