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Posted: 七月 13, 2017 | 分類: Testimonies
在泰國硬土中夾雜綻放的重洗派 「泰國,宣教的墓園」,這說法已在泰國宣教師耳中迴響了數十年,感謝上帝,祂有不一樣的故事。不同的故事終於浮現了,而重洗派在當中有一席之地。 教會的種子 201年前美國宣教士Adoniram Judson的妻子Anne Judson語言學的夠好,能夠向被擄於緬甸的暹族人傳福音。12年後,1828年,第一位基督教宣教士才抵泰國,比第一位天主教司鐸晚了260年。 整個十九世紀,天主教與基督教很相似,都在訴說一個難以置信的奉獻與毅力的故事,宣教士們努力對抗的因素至今仍然鮮明... 閱讀全文
Posted: 六月 29, 2017 | 分類: Testimonies
地方堂會支持世界大會的七個方式 環球媒體的發展使我們能夠知道全世界的新聞,這是個祝福,然而,有時也使人氣餒,因為我們也會聽到許多悲傷的故事,卻覺得無能為力。但是,支持世界大會,透過全球重洗派家庭的弟兄姊妹,可以使事情有所不同,因他們是上帝在世上各地的和平大使。 以下幾項建議,能在財務上支持世界大會的事工,以鼓勵全球的教會: 1. 午餐奉獻 – 世界團契主日、五旬節、和平主日,或其他任何恰當的日子,在你的教會裡預備一頓簡餐,或是一起禱告禁食,鼓勵參與者奉獻與午餐相當的費用。 2 . 國際詩歌節... 閱讀全文
Posted: 五月 16, 2017 | 分類: Testimonies
我們如何從聖經回答21世紀的問題? 那真的是個挑戰! 聖經的某些部分的信息非常的明確也永遠有效。但是,因為我們的世界已經大幅地改變,有些二十一世紀的問題迫使我們重新評估聖經的其他部分。然而,我們如何知道何時要堅守先前的信念,何時應該開創新見解與方法? 於2010至2012年間,我們的地方教會想要找到這個問題答案,尤其觀於性與婚姻的議題,焦點是婚前性行為。它並非唯一的倫理問題,也當然不是最重要的倫理問題!但是它是個觀乎每個世代的問題,且可能間接影響更廣泛定義之教會家庭。 一起研讀聖經... 閱讀全文
Posted: 四月 10, 2017 | 分類: Testimonies
門諾會世界大會的共同信念如何在這美麗、在地多元的全球社群中體現? 身為重洗派門諾會基督徒,我們的使命與我們所承認並宣稱的身份密切相關。因為這個原因,《我們的共同信仰:探討重洗派相關教會的「共同信念」》內含向信仰社群傳遞我們是誰及主託付給我們的事工所需的知識。 社會、經濟與文化不公義的現象在墨西哥不斷地增加。暴力造成的死傷每一天都在發生。在這種脈絡中見證耶穌,需要清楚知道我們是誰以及我們被誰呼召、為了什麼而被呼召。我認為,《我們的共同信仰》清楚地回答這些問題,尤其是第七條:「... 閱讀全文
Brief historic journey, profile, tendencies and challenges of Mennonites in Latin America
Posted: 七月 18, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
These reflections are a brief summary linking the historical development, profile and tendencies of the multiethnic Anabaptist communities and Mennonite churches in Latin America that belong to MWC, and present the challenges faced by Mennonites in... 閱讀全文
Newcomers to natives: Diversity and challenges for Mennonites in Brazil
Posted: 七月 18, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
The first Mennonites arrived in Brazil during the year 1930, coming as refugees from Russia/Ukraine, where their property, churches and schools were taken over by the state during the Stalin years. Thousands of Mennonites (15,000–25,000) and other... 閱讀全文
Hospitality transforms
Posted: 七月 13, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Hospitality: Exploring what it means to offer hospitality as followers of Christ Shocking photographs published in the news media awoke the Western world to the refugee crisis on September 2015. With a heightened awareness of the issue, the... 閱讀全文
A ministry of inclusive hospitality
Posted: 七月 13, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Hospitality: Exploring what it means to offer hospitality as followers of Christ Shocking photographs published in the news media awoke the Western world to the refugee crisis on September 2015. With a heightened awareness of the issue, the... 閱讀全文
Love opens hearts to learn more
Posted: 七月 13, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Hospitality: Exploring what it means to offer hospitality as followers of Christ Shocking photographs published in the news media awoke the Western world to the refugee crisis on September 2015. With a heightened awareness of the issue, the... 閱讀全文
The heart of a stranger
Posted: 七月 13, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Hospitality: Exploring what it means to offer hospitality as followers of Christ Shocking photographs published in the news media awoke the Western world to the refugee crisis on September 2015. With a heightened awareness of the issue, the... 閱讀全文
Learning to Know Each Other Better: Researchers embark on a global study of MWC member-churches
Posted: 五月 19, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
In 2012, MWC partnered with the Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism (ISGA) at Goshen College (Goshen, Indiana, USA) to launch a multi-year, multi-part research initiative. The goal? To develop a more nuanced picture of the MWC constituency... 閱讀全文
Beyond Domination and Control
Posted: 五月 19, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Power in Church Leadership: Exploring our shared commitment to doing church together As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to doing church together. We also acknowledge that the church needs leaders who... 閱讀全文
Children of light
Posted: 五月 19, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Some of us remember that the term “Anabaptist” was first of all an insult. This word, literally meaning “rebaptizers,” belonged to the arsenal of other insults hurled at our ancestors. Not by pagans or Muslims, but by other Christians in Europe... 閱讀全文
Le pouvoir dans l’Église
Posted: 五月 19, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Exploring our shared commitment to doing church together As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to doing church together. We also acknowledge that the church needs leaders who take responsibility for... 閱讀全文
God walks with us
Posted: 五月 19, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Tom: We walk with God in both doubt and conviction. Both are part of our walk of faith. After all, as Hebrews 11:1 reminds us, “faith is the reality of things hoped for, the proof of things not seen.” As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:12, if we see... 閱讀全文
Resisting North American “Magic Kingdom” Worship
Posted: 五月 19, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Exploring our shared commitment to worship As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to gathering regularly for worship. Yet our tremendous diversity means that we carry out this commitment in very different... 閱讀全文
The challenge of diversity: A call to discernment and transformation
Posted: 五月 19, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Today, our community of Anabaptist-related churches spans the globe, incorporating people from many different cultural, ethnic and political backgrounds. We are, without a doubt, a diverse community. Whenever we gather, we enjoy this diversity and... 閱讀全文
Doubt sharpens our convictions
Posted: 五月 19, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
The organizers of this conference were so gracious that they did not impose a topic, rather respectfully provided me an opportunity to select from a range of themes. As you all know, making choices from choices is a difficult choice, but not this... 閱讀全文
The Book or the Wall?
Posted: 五月 19, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Exploring our shared commitment to worship As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to gathering regularly for worship. Yet our tremendous diversity means that we carry out this commitment in very different... 閱讀全文
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