Celebrating Together - Morning Plenary: 9 July 2022

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Assembly Gathered: Saturday morning
Following Jesus – celebrating together 
9 July 2022 
Africa focus 

Master of ceremonies: Daniel Talenta Tobing, Indonesia 
Prayer & reflection: Isaac Gborbitey, Ghana 
Music: JKI Ayem Tentrem, JKI Ungaran; “Converge” by LightClubberZ, France; Indonesian women’s choir 
Plenary speakers:  
Makadunyiswe Doublejoy Ngulube (YABs Committee – Africa), Zimbabwe 
Jürg Bräker (Deacons Commission), Switzerland 
Tigist Tesfaye (Deacons Commission), Ethiopia 

The interpretation does not constitute a definitive record of proceedings. The simultaneous interpretation of Mennonite World Conference meetings and events facilitates communication among the participants in the meeting. It does not constitute an official record of proceedings. Where there is any difference between the simultaneous interpretation and the original speech (or the written translation of the speech), the original speech (or the written translation) takes precedence.